Am I a Candidate for LipoDissolve?

LipoDissolve is a procedure designed to eliminate unsightly and unwanted small to medium sized excess fat deposits. The procedure is non-surgical and is not as invasive as traditional liposuction. This makes the procedure an attractive option for individuals who do not want to go the usual surgical route. While not everyone is an ideal candidate for LipoDissolve, the procedure can be performed on many people who may not be candidates for traditional liposuction.

In general, most healthy men and women who are over the age of eighteen and looking to have small to medium fatty deposits removed are candidates for LipoDissolve. The procedure is not intended to be used for overall weight loss or to remove large fat deposits. In addition, the best candidates for LipoDissolve are those who are willing to implement healthy diet and exercise routines. This is because doing so will provide the greatest chance for success in achieving and maintaining the desired result. Before having the LipoDissolve procedure, it is important to discuss any existing health issues with the doctor who will be administering the injections. Certain people should not have LipoDissolve. The procedure should not be performed on women who are pregnant or breast feeding. Patients with certain existing health conditions also should not have LipoDissolve. These conditions include insulin dependent diabetes and autoimmune diseases. People who have had or are at risk for blood clots and stroke and those who are taking multiple heart medications also should not have the LipoDissolve procedure.

While most healthy people with small excess fat deposits can be good candidates for LipoDissolve, only a certified doctor who is familiar with the procedure and patient history can determine whether a certain individual should have the procedure. In order to obtain the best possible results in a safe and effective manner, it is absolutely necessary that patients discuss any existing conditions with their doctor. Letting the doctor know expectations will also help him or her determine whether or not someone is a good candidate.

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