Ultrasculpt: A Noninvasive Liposuction

UltraSculpt is a cosmetic procedure performed to eliminate fat cells in targeted areas of the body. The procedure helps to give a sleek and toned appearance to the treated areas.

The Purpose of UltraSculpt

This noninvasive liposuction is commonly used on the lower abdomen, thighs, buttocks, inner knees, upper arms, excessive male breast tissue and flanks. It also works on small problem areas like under the chin.

UltraSculpt is an effective treatment for previously liposuctioned areas or revision of traditional liposuction.

Good Candidates for UltraSculpt

UltraSculpt delivers a smoother end result than traditional liposuction because the fat cells are more precisely targeted. Both men and women are good candidates for this cosmetic treatment. It is a good choice for people who want to avoid the pain and post-procedure limitations of traditional liposuction. Patients living a healthy lifestyle including diet and exercise, in addition to having the procedure, will have the best results.

If a certain area of body fat has not responded to diet and exercise--areas such as women’s thighs and men’s love handles--UltraSculpt is a good choice.

Patients who want to jump-start a weight loss program can benefit from this cosmetic procedure.

The Mechanics of UltraSculpt

During a treatment, ultrasonic waves are used to permanently remove fat. It works like this:

  • Ultrasound delivers painless heat
  • Heat disturbs the fat-containing cells
  • The fat melts
  • The lymphatic and venous systems process and dispose of the liquefied fat through the liver, along with other waste products

UltraSculpt only breaks down the subcutaneous fat cells. It does not affect the surrounding tissue, blood vessels or nerves.

The UltraSculpt Procedure

UltraSculpt is performed in a physician’s office. There is no pre-treatment or preparation. Each session takes approximately 30-40 minutes.

To guide treatment in the desired body area, the area is marked with surgical ink by the physician. Gel is applied to the skin in the designated area so the transducer will glide easily across the skin treatment area. High-frequency ultrasound waves are delivered in short pulses.

UltraSculpt is relatively painless. Patients report a warm sensation during the treatment.

UltraSculpt Recovery

There is no downtime after UltraSculpt. Patients can immediately return to their normal activities. There is less bruising, swelling or lumpiness under the skin than is seen after traditional liposuction and no post-procedure compression garments are needed.

Patients are advised to avoid alcohol for 48 hours and eat protein with every meal. Avoiding alcohol allows the liver to prioritize the excretion of fat cells from the blood instead of alcohol.

One-half hour of exercise is encouraged after each treatment to stimulate the lymphatic system and eliminate the melted fat cells.

The Lasting Effect

Most patients have a 2-9 cm circumference reduction after a single session. This reduction increases after each visit, which should be spaced 1-3 weeks apart. Visible improvement is seen for up to three months after an UltraSculpt treatment. Once the desired effect is achieved, maintenance treatments are recommended once a month.

The UltraSculpt Price Tag

UltraSculpt typically costs $2,000 to $3,000 per treated body area. It is considered to be elective cosmetic procedure so is not covered by medical insurance.

UltraSculpt Risks and Side Effects

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved UltraSculpt as a safe procedure, when performed by a licensed cosmetic surgeon. Patients having UltraSculpt are less likely to have uneven or lopsided results than after traditional liposuction.

Excessive thirst is common after this procedure so patients should drink 2 liters of filtered water before and after treatment to help flush the fat cells.

UltraSculpt should not be done if a patient has an acute illness, compromised liver function, bleeding tendencies, a pacemaker or is pregnant.

The side effects can include:

  • Light bruising
  • Tenderness at treatment area
  • Temporary tingling and numbness due to the equipment vibration
  • Permanent nerve damage

UltraSculpt treatment performed by a qualified and experienced physician will deliver the safest and most effective cosmetic results.

By Dermanetwork.org Staff

Updated: February, 2014

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