Advantages and Disadvantages of VelaSmooth

VelaSmooth is a treatment for cellulite that is non-invasive and non-surgical. It has also been FDA approved. VelaSmooth uses a specially formulated device to break up and eliminate cellulite from trouble areas in the body.

Advantages of VelaSmooth

Developed in Israel, the VelaSmooth device combines suction, rollers and sound and light therapy to break up cellulite deposits under the skin. Many patients have reported dramatic results after a series of sessions. The therapy not only smooths the appearance of cellulite dimples, but also helps increase circulation.

The major advantages of the VelaSmooth procedure include:

  • No expensive surgery
  • No down time
  • Procedure is generally painless

In the long term, results of VelaSmooth are reported to include better circulation and better tone to the treated areas. Reducing cellulite and encouraging proper collagen growth beneath the skin to take its place leads to an overall sleeker and more attractive profile. It can also help prevent cellulite deposits from recurring in the future.

Disadvantages of VelaSmooth

While VelaSmooth in general seems to present great promise in reducing cellulite, some patients have reported disadvantages to the procedure, including:

  • The treatment often requires several sessions for best long-term results
  • Multiple sessions can be expensive in the long run
  • Some patients have not experienced immediate results
  • While some patients say the procedure feels much like a deep tissue massage, others have reported some discomfort

Since the technology is relatively new, it might be challenging to find a doctor or aesthetician experienced in using VelaSmooth. Be sure to consult with any professional you wish to work with to be sure they have used the treatment with positive results. For the best outcome, ask for referrals from people who have had successful treatments.

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