Cosmetic and Health Benefits of TriActive

TriActive combines three non-invasive technologies--a suction massage, six diode lasers and a cooling mechanism--to reduce the appearance of cellulite by as much as 40% over a period of three to six weeks. Besides the benefit of the procedure being non-invasive, the treatment offers tangible and intangible cosmetic and health benefits alike.

Less Cellulite throughout the Body

TriActive can treat a variety of areas in which you experience cellulite, that dimpled, uneven skin effect that results from an excess of fat storage. Most often targeted are the thighs, the buttocks, the abdomen, the upper arms and the face. The three-tier system first softens tissues and increases blood flow, then constricts fat cells and finally encourages lymphatic drainage to provide you with smoother, more even-textured skin.

Smoother, Tighter Skin

Cellulite is typically not overly common in the face. What you may hope to accomplish with TriActive in your face--or in any treatable area of your body--is smoother, tighter skin. The procedure will increase the production of collagen in your facial tissue. Collagen is a protein responsible for elastic, firm skin that's produced in excess in our youth, but eventually the production stills with age or exposure to the sun's UV rays, smoke or pollution.

Less Noticeable Wrinkles and Deep Lines

Another benefit of the increased collagen production offered by this three-step treatment is less noticeable wrinkles and fine lines. As your sagging or inelastic skin becomes tighter and more firm, wrinkles and deep lines in your face--such as around the mouth, around the eyes or on the neck--naturally fill up and smooth out.

Reduction in Fluid Retention and Slackening

In combination with other cosmetic treatments, this three-tiered cellulite reduction treatment can actually reduce fluid retention, resulting in tighter skin with less swelling. Less swelling means that you'll see your ideal results faster and have a decreased risk of infection. The most common cosmetic treatments combined with this procedure include liposuction, breast reduction and the tummy tuck.

Muscle Pain Relief

One health side effect of TriActive is temporary muscle pain relief. This is because one of the three components of the procedure, the suction massage, offers a deep, penetrating massage that can loosen up tightened and cramped muscles wherever you have the treatment.

Lower Risk of Depression

An intangible benefit of cellulite reduction and younger-looking skin is a boost in self-esteem. This can actually translate into a direct health benefit in that it lowers your risk of depression. While cosmetic treatments alone shouldn't be regarded as a cure for self-esteem issues, if having your cellulite reduced encourages you to love your body and become more active, you'll reduce your risk for depression. A lowered risk for depression in turn reduces your risk for serious health consequences, such as stroke, heart disease and long-term fatigue.

Schedule an appointment to discuss TriActive with your cosmetic specialist. Although it may take a few weeks--and as many as five to ten sessions--before you see optimal results, this non-invasive, low-risk procedure offers many advantages over similar treatments.

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