TriActive for Men

TriActive laser treatment can be an effective way to get rid of cellulite and tighten tissue for both men and women alike. For men, an out of shape midsection is one of the biggest physical fitness issues. TriActive laser treatment is designed to reduce fat and cellulite in a completely safe and effective way.

Men and TriActive

Although everyone is different, men tend to accumulate excess weight and fat around the waist. Men who have extra pounds in this area will likely experience dramatic changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-axis (HPA). The HPA system is responsible for areas of the brain controlling metabolism with adrenal activity, which has an impact on regulatory hormones being produced in the body. This is one of the biggest contributing factors in male abdominal obesity. Stress can also play a role in acquiring excess fat in the midsection.

TriActive laser treatment is an ideal procedure for males experiencing problems with weight gain in the midsection. In addition to reducing cellulite, TriActive increases blood flow circulation, which aids in calming the nerves and reducing stress. The procedure is completely non-surgical and very simple and relaxing. Generally, a gentle suction is used to massage the skin, increasing circulation and penetrating the deep layers of muscle and fat beneath the surface of the skin. A maintenance program may be recommended after the procedure to ensure long-term cellulite reduction.

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