Velashape Cost and Financing Options

Because VelaShape is a continuous program of body contouring through the use of several different technologies, including radio frequencies, treatment with infrared light, and massages with various tools, the price tag can seem rather expensive. Patients usually begin treatment with VelaShape with six weekly treatments and report seeing some results after four sessions. Once the skin is tightened and fat pockets reduced, a schedule of treatments four times a year will help the patient maintain the results if he or she is moderately active and eating a healthy diet. An unhealthy lifestyle could result in a patient needing monthly sessions to prevent bumps and bulges from recurring. The average cost in the United States can range from a low of a few hundred dollars to a high of about two thousand per package of treatments. This averages to between two hundred to three hundred dollars per session, which often last from one hour to ninety minutes. This office time with the clinician contributes greatly to the cost of VelaShape treatment. Most alternative ways to change the body shape, such as liposuction and surgery, are much higher, but the results last longer and are more dramatic. These do require time away from work, however, which must be figured in the total cost of the procedure. After VelaShape treatment, patients may return to their normal activities immediately, which results in significant savings. Also, with VelaShape, patients do not have to worry about side effects which can prove costly for some patients who choose to undergo liposuction or surgery to contour their bodies. Although approve by the FDA, VelaShape treatments are entirely cosmetic and are never covered by insurance plans. Financing might be arranged with a local provider, and they are always willing to work with patients on a plan, but it is difficult to find other companies willing to provide funding. After the initial fee for the first six treatments is completed, most patients are able to save the money for the necessary follow up treatments between office visits.
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