5 Reasons to Choose Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion is a cosmetic procedure in which the top layers of the skin are removed and allowed to grow back. The result is smooth, new skin to replace the skin that was removed. While a fairly invasive procedure, dermabrasion is also very effective for certain conditions. Because the skin of the face is thinner than on the rest of the body, dermabrasion is most commonly used on the face, but it can be used elsewhere on the body, as well.

Dermabrasion requires local or general anesthetic, and the recovery time afterward can be several weeks. Various precautions must be taken during the healing process to reduce the likelihood of infection and other complications.

Some reasons to choose dermabrasion include:

1. Acne Pitting

One of the first applications for dermabrasion was to reduce or eliminate the appearance of deep acne scars. These extensive, sometimes disfiguring scars can be greatly reduced with dermabrasion treatments. While dermabrasion requires a fairly long healing process, the results last as much as a year, requiring less invasive maintenance treatments periodically.

2. Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Dermabrasion is sometimes used to reduce fine lines and wrinkles in the face. Microdermabrasion, a less invasive version of the procedure, is more commonly used for this application. Microdermabrasion removes a much thinner layer of the skin, and the healing process is considerably shorter. However, microdermabrasion also does not last as long, and requires several sessions to see optimal results, as well as maintenance sessions at shorter intervals.

3. Facial Scars

Facial scarring can be traumatic and demoralizing, whether it occurs as the result of an accident or as a side effect of facial surgery. Dermabrasion can reduce the raised appearance of scars, making them much less obtrusive. Dermabrasion has even been effective when used on certain types of burn scars, which are very difficult to treat. If skin grafts have been used to treat facial scarring, dermabrasion can help smooth the edges of the grafts where they meet the original skin. It can also be used in conjunction with scar revision surgery, again to smooth the appearance of remaining scars.

4. Facial Growths

Some types of facial growths, such as precancerous lesions, can be effectively removed by dermabrasion. Sometimes the dermabrasion is used as part of a more extensive treatment, depending on the type of growth. Precancerous growths can respond well to this treatment. Superficial malignant growths, such as squamous and basal cell carcinomas, are also sometimes managed in this manner.

5. Abnormal Pigmentation

Much like facial scarring, abnormal pigmentation on the face can be particularly troublesome. While congenital issues and birthmarks are generally not treated with dermabrasion, pigmentation changes caused by infection or injury can be. Dermabrasion can also be used to remove tattoos or tattoo scarring. In some cases, it can also help treat melasma, a hyperpigmentation condition caused by sun exposure, or rosacea.

Patients with darker skin are less likely to experience satisfactory results with dermabrasion, as the process can lead to a blotchy or patchy appearance on darker skin even after healing is complete. Other cosmetic procedures are available that can be more effective on darker skinned patients.

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