Chemical Peels Cost and Financing Options

The cost of your chemical peel will vary based on the depth of the peel, as well as the fees charged by your specialist and your aftercare. Light peels are the least expensive, but usually require several treatments to achieve the desired effect. Deep peels are considerably more expensive, but offer longer lasting, significant results.

For most light chemical peels, you can expect to pay between $150 and $300 per session. Because most patients require multiple treatments, some specialists offer discounted packages that include more than one session.

Medium chemical peels are more costly, but remove more damage and last longer than light peels. Some individuals do not require repeat sessions, while others may require as many as four treatments per year to reduce or eliminate damage from sun, aging or acne. Medium peels generally range in cost from $1000 to $3000.

Deep chemical peels offer the most significant changes in skin tone and texture, and remove or reduce the appearance of more serious damage due to sun, aging and acne scarring. Most individuals only require one deep chemical peel to achieve the results they want. The cost of deep peels generally ranges from $3000 to $6000. Deep peels also generally require the use of anesthesia, which can boost the final cost of the procedure considerably. Some specialists include these fees when determining the final cost estimate, and others do not, so be sure to ask if anesthesia will be used, and if it is included in the cost estimate you receive from your specialist. Prescriptions for pain medications used following the procedure are also often not included; ask for an estimate of those costs as well. Some specialists offer packages that include all costs, including anesthesia and postoperative pain medications.

If you are unable to pay the total cost upfront, ask if your provider offers installment plans or other forms of financing. He or she should also be able to tell you about financing options from third parties, designed specifically to help pay the costs of cosmetic procedures.

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