Cosmetic Enhancement

For both men and women seeking to achieve a more youthful appearance, enhance individual features, and increase self-confidence, today's cosmetic enhancement procedures offer a myriad of options. Many cosmetic enhancement techniques offer noticeable results without significant recovery time, allowing individuals to resume their normal routines without interruption, while still enjoying the benefits that cosmetic enhancement can offer.

Chemical peels are among the most popular in cosmetic treatments for rejuvenating aging, scarred, or damaged skin. Whether or not you will experience any downtime depends on the depth of the peel, with the deepest peels requiring some time for initial recovery as old skin flakes away and new skin appears.

Laser hair removal is another increasingly popular option for cosmetic enhancement, offering long-term removal of hair on nearly any area of the body. In most individuals, recovery time is minimal, with only slight redness and very minor discomfort to the treated area.

Even eyelashes get a boost with one of the newest cosmetic enhancement products on the market: Latisse. When applied regularly, this easy-to-apply solution actually produces new, thicker lashes in just a few weeks. Latisse is the only FDA-approved product for lash growth on the market today, with a price tag of about $110 to $150 per bottle.

The cost of cosmetic enhancement varies by treatment type, and by the extent of the area being treated. Generally, costs can range from $150 to $650 for laser hair removal, and from $200 to $4,000 for chemical peels.

With such a wide range of options, your local cosmetic specialist is a great source for information regarding the type of procedure that suits your individual and unique needs.
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