How Dermabrasion is Performed

Dermabrasion can erase or greatly reduce the appearance and texture of scars and dark spots from sun damage, acne, aging, illness, accidents and surgery. The procedure can also work to reduce the appearance of wrinkles in some areas of the face, like around the mouth and the outer areas of the eyes.


The first step is setting up an appointment for consultation. Dermabrasion has the best results on lighter skin tones and scarring that is raised or flat. Dermaplaning, a similar but different procedure, is best used for recessed scars. If your cosmetic surgeon recommends either procedure, you can expect the following on the day of the outpatient surgery:


Because dermabrasion is a painful procedure, you will receive either general anesthesia--if the effected areas are extensive--or a mixture of a local numbing agent and a sedative, which will make you drowsy but not put you completely under.

The Procedure

While you are groggy or asleep, the procedure will only take a few minutes or a couple of hours at most. (If you have very large areas to be treated, you may come back and have the procedure performed in stages.) 1. The surgeon takes one of two electric tools--either a rough wire brush or a diamond-impregnated burr--and scrapes away in a gentle manner at the outer layer of the affected skin. This smooths irregularities and removes the outermost layer of skin. 2. If dermaplaning, the surgeon will use an electric tool called the dermatone to scrape away the skin around the recessed skin to even out the texture. 3. The surgeon will then use wax, ointment or dry dressing on the treated areas.


Dermabrasion does not work instantaneously; in fact, you can expect to have visible pink blotches where the procedure was performed for approximately three months, after which the pinkness will fade and new blemish-free skin should grow in its place. While recovering: * You may feel burning and pain for a few days to a week. Take pain medication as necessary. * Within a week, scabs will form. Avoid touching them or new scars may occur. You may receive ointment to apply to reduce the appearance of scabs. * The scabs will fall off naturally to reveal bright pink skin. * If the procedure has been evasive, stay home from work for about two weeks. Your skin will be swollen, raw and highly sensitive to light for several weeks. * Avoid contact sports or highly vigorous activities for at least two weeks. * Avoid facial shaving for a week; use electric razors for several weeks thereafter. * Avoid alcohol for a month if possible. Alcohol may be consumed, but it will cause the face to flare up temporarily. Dermabrasion may be the best option for achieving a smoother, more even-toned face. However, the darker your skin tone, the greater your risk of achieving what is called hypopigmentation--a form of permanent scarring--as a result of the procedure. Be sure to ask a reputable cosmetic surgeon if this procedure is right for your scarring and skin tone.
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