How to Choose a Blue Peel Specialist

A blue peel is a medium chemical peel used to revitalize skin and complexion. Blue peels remove the outer layer of the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and brow spots. There are several things to take into consideration when choosing a dermatologist to perform your blue peel. You must research physicians in your area that specialize in dermatological procedures, such as chemical peels, and have a list of questions when going for your initial consultation.

Board Certification

The first question to ask is whether or not the physician is board-certified in dermatology. Ask to see his credentials when at the initial consultation. If the physician does not specialize in dermatology, ask him what his speciality is. Checking the physician's credentials will give you an idea as to whether or not he has had the proper training to preform the procedure.

References and Photos

Two additional questions that should be asked at the initial consultation is whether or not the physician has references and if you will be able to view before and after photos of clients that have had a chemical peel. Viewing the physicians references is another way to have a better picture of their ability to preform the procedure well, and seeing the photos will insure that others have had good results from the blue peels that the physician has preformed.

Treating Other Conditions

Ask your physician if they have the ability to treat other conditions using lasers as well as chemical peels. This will insure that the practice that you select has the technology to preform your blue peel procedure properly.


It is important to find out how much experience the dermatologist has had performing chemical peels but more specifically blue peels. Ask for the number of patients the dermatologist has treated with a blue peel. Having this information will help you to determine how often a blue peel is performed at the office.

Treatment Cost

The final question to ask the physician is how much the blue peel treatment will cost. Ask any questions regarding financing the procedure and find out if your insurance will cover the chemical peel. Asking this question is crucial because it eliminates the guess work. You are able to see before making your decision whether or not the procedure is in your budget or if it is an option that is feasible to you. Finding out the cost of the procedure and asking the doctor whether or not medical insurance will cover all or part of the procedure will give you a clearer picture of the overall amount that you will spend on the treatment.

Ask Questions

The most important part of the initial consultation is to ask questions about the physician and his practice. Find out what their credentials are, including whether or not they are board-certified. Ask questions about other treatments performed and how often he has preformed the blue peel procedure. Remember to ask how much the procedure will cost and whether or not insurance will cover the procedure before you make your final decision about having the treatment. Choosing a blue peel specialist will be easier when you are armed with these key questions.
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