How to Prepare for a Chemical Peel

If you and your doctor both agree on going through with a chemical peel treatment, there are some important things you will have to do to prepare yourself for the peel. Follow each instruction carefully to ensure proper results.

Stop Smoking

If you are a current smoker, you have to stop immediately and wait for at least 2 weeks before doing the procedure. Smoking is detrimental to chemical peels. Chemicals in the smoke will prevent new collagen bonds from forming and make you look puffy and swollen after the peel.

Avoid Sun Exposure

UV lights will also deter the regeneration of new skin cells. Exposure to the sun will put you at high risk for severe side effects. To ensure proper healing, you will need to avoid sun exposure at least 2 months before your procedure.

Accutane Free

Your doctor will no doubt ask you if you have taken Accutane within the last 6 months. If you have, the procedure will have to wait until end of that period, since Accutane will significantly increase your chance for scarring.

Prophylactics against Cold Sores

If you are having cold sores or have a history of herpes simplex, you doctor will most likely prescript you prophylactic Acyclovir to prevent symptom recurrence after the peel. Acyclovir will need to be taken 2 days prior to treatment and continue for 5 days afterward.

Pre-Peel Skin Care

This pre-treatment process can take a month or even longer, depending on your skin type and the type of peel you choose for your procedure. Usually a twice per day facial scrub is required with deep moisturizing facial cream applications. If you are to be treated with a TCA peel, your doctor will also prescribe Retin A or AHA creams to pre-treat your skin, which will thin out the surface layer to help the peeling process. Other topical creams may also be prescribed specific to your procedure, and you have to apply them as directed.

Personal Planning

Make sure you make all the necessary arrangements before the procedure. Schedule for time off and get someone to drive you home after treatment if you're doing one of the stronger strength peels.

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