Initial and Long Term Results of Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion is a surgical skin resurfacing technique that helps reduce the appearance of scars and other skin irregularities. During the procedure, your doctor will numb the skin and then use a handheld device to sand off the old scarred skin and makes way for a new, fresh layer of skin. Here are just some of the results you can expect if you choose to pursue treatment.

Immediate Results

Immediately following the procedure your skin will be red and swollen. You may also experience burning or itching around the treatment site. A scab will form as the healing process begins. After a few weeks, the scab will fall off, revealing a new, pink layer of skin. It should take about 3 months for your normal pigmentation to return.

Improvement in Skin's Overall Texture

After your normal pigmentation returns, you should notice an overall improvement in your skin's tone and texture. Dermabrasion can effectively reduce the appearance of flat acne or surgical scars and smooth the contours of the skin. Though the procedure will not remove scars completely, it can help give scarred skin a more uniform appearance. If you properly care for your skin, the results from dermabrasion can last for up to ten years.

Evens Skin Tone

Dermabrasion can be used to even skin tone by eliminating blotches and sun spots. The procedure can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the chin and mouth. However, exposure to the sun and time will reduce the effectiveness of dermabrasion on pigmentation and related issues. You may have to undergo a maintenance procedure every few years.

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