Post-Vi Peel Lifestyle & Maintenance

VI Peel is a chemical skin peeling agent that is advertised online and in various infomercials for its properties of lightening and evening the skin tone, reducing acne and other types of scars and helping to enhance skin vibrancy. VI Peel is a dermatologist-approved treatment method for certain skin conditions, but the treatment and agent itself are available without a prescription and can be ordered through an individual or online.

The FDA has found that certain parts of the post-peel treatment and lifestyle adjustment are not exactly as advertised by the makers of VI Peel. Read on for a realistic assessment of the healing process and how to best help your skin to recover from a VI Peel.

Healing Duration

The process of healing that is required, before you can resume your regular activities after completing your VI Peel treatment, typically takes between one and two weeks. It's crucially important to your long term skin health and to the healing process that you observe the guidelines provided by the FDA as closely as possible so that you don't damage your skin or exacerbate the discomfort that you're already experiencing. This includes refraining from any physical activity that will result in sweating for the duration of the healing process, and avoiding makeup and other facial ointments and treatments until the skin has completely healed.

Dealing with the Cosmetic Repercussions

Many patients find that the repercussions of the healing process are more dramatic than they had expected. it's not uncommon for you to feel quite uncomfortable with the way that your skin looks and feels as it is healing after the chemical peel treatment. If this is the case, use all recommended healing ointments to aid in the treatment of the skin, and refrain from touching the skin as much as possible.

You'll also find that the treatment process and the healing procedure will take place more rapidly if you're able to get significant and regular rest as your skin heals. It's also crucial that you eat a regular schedule of meals and that your diet be as healthy and as well balanced as possible.

Removing the Peeled Skin

Although some cases of post-VI peel treatment do result in skin that flakes off and naturally falls off of the face, other people experience skin that swells up and becomes crusty without naturally falling. If this is the case, you may need to use a gentle pumus stone or another natural exfoliant product to remove the excess skin from your face. If you find yourself in this situation, speak with a dermatologist or a primary care physician for additional advice and assistance.

When you begin the VI Peel process, it's crucial that you continue it all the way through until it's complete. If you fail to do so, you may experience permanent discoloration and scarring of the skin. If you have any doubts about the progress of your treatment, ask a doctor to examine your skin.

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