Vitalize Peel and Fair Skin Tones

The Vitalize Peel is a superficial skin treatment that rejuvenates the skin and is suitable for all skin tones and complexions. In general, light skinned patients are the best peel candidates. One of its ingredients is retinoic acid, the first topical treatment proven to improve the skin's appearance.

A Short Procedure

Vitalize peel takes about 20 minutes and requires no downtime. It results in a noticeable improvement after just one peel. In addition to retinoic acid, the peel consists of a blend of acids that exfoliate the outer layer of skin, leaving it looking fresh and healthy.

Prior to treatment its advisable to avoid exfoliation and certain types of hair removal. People with skin rashes, allergies, open sores and those that are pregnant shouldn't have the procedure. Although fair skinned people make the best candidates for chemical peels, there is a low chance of scarring and some skin discoloration.

Painless Procedure

Patients shouldn't feel any discomfort during their treatment and most experience just a warm and tingling sensation during the peel and right afterward. One to three days post-peel, you may notice some light skin peeling which can be remedied with a light moisturizer. The usual treatment protocol is 3 to 6 treatments, scheduled 2 to 4 weeks apart. Vitalize peel can also be combined with other treatments.

Avoid sun exposure

Skin changes from chemical peels last for years. It is important to protect your skin by avoiding sun exposure and using a sunscreen of at least SPF 30. Vitalize peels are performed by board certified skin care specialists or certified and trained medical assistants.

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