Vitalize Peel and Medium Skin Tones

Vitalize Peel works equally on all skin tones; this chemical peel product provides quick and effective results to patients with medium skin tones. The powerful chemicals used in the Vitalize method work to exfoliate the outer layers of damaged skin. Some allergen complications do occur in a small percentage of patients.

Medium Tones and Vitalize peel

Those with medium skin tones notice redness after the Vitalize Peel treatment concludes. Throughout the treatment session, the acids exfoliate the top layers of skin. This process leaves the raw under layers exposed.

The mixture of acids used in this product work to rid the outer layers of skin from damage. Patients see a reduction in physical damages caused by sun exposure, acne and physical scarring, and some small wrinkles and lines.

Patients require different amounts of treatment depending on the severity of the damages, wrinkles or skin folds. Medium skin tones tend to hide small lines and brownish colored spots caused by sun damage. This often reduces the number of treatments that become necessary to fully treat and rejuvenate those with medium skin tones.

Results from Vitalize Peel do not last forever. Like any skin rejuvenation treatment, patients must follow simple guidelines after Vitalize Peel treatments in order to ensure proper healing and prolonged results.

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