Benefits of BOTOX?

For both men and women seeking a more youthful and relaxed appearance, the BOTOX® procedure can be an ideal alternative to more extensive, invasive cosmetic procedures.

Performed as an outpatient procedure, usually in your specialist’s office, BOTOX® offers quick results that can have a dramatic effect on your appearance and on the way you’re perceived by co-workers and others.

By relaxing dynamic wrinkles – those folds and creases that form over time as a result of facial expression – BOTOX® can erase telltale signs of stress and age which can be a great asset, especially in the workplace where looking youthful and energized is essential. Most BOTOX® treatments are applied along the forehead, eye area and at the nasolabial folds, the creases that extend form the edge of the nose to the edge of the mouth.

  • Forehead. Every time you frown, laugh or smile, dynamic lines form in your forehead, either stretching across the forehead or appearing between the brows. Over time, repeated expression make these lines appear deeper, contributing to an overall appearance of stress, wear and fatigue. By relaxing the underlying muscles in this area, wrinkles soften and disappear, allowing both men and women to achieve an appearance that is markedly more relaxed and youthful.
  • Eyes. BOTOX® is an ideal treatment for crow’s feet, those tiny lines that appear in the corners of the eyes and become especially noticeable when smiling or squinting. By relaxing or eliminating these tiny lines, you can appear significantly younger, less worn and more alert.
  • Nasolabial folds. Difficult to treat with other forms of cosmetic surgery, nasolabial folds (sometimes referred to as marionette lines) are easily managed with BOTOX® .
  • Jaw contouring. BOTOX® can also be used to diminish the appearance of pronounced jaw muscles that can result in an individual’s face appearing squared off, reducing or eliminating the need for invasive cosmetic procedures.
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