What to Expect during a Dysport Procedure

A Dysport procedure is so simple and so relatively painless that most health care professionals tell prospective candidates they can be in and out of the office and back to work during their lunch break. The procedure itself lasts between 10 and 20 minutes, and patients are then free to resume their normal, daily activities upon completion. Although the first session may require a little more time due to the necessity of a comprehensive medical intake, returning patients will spend less actual time in the office.

Initial Consultation for Dysport Procedure

Once a licensed, reputable doctor who is authorized to perform Dysport procedures is located, the patient will make an appointment for an initial consultation. Most dermatologists will then perform the actual procedure during this appointment, if the medical intake proves the candidate fits the criteria for Dysport injections. It is very important for prospective candidates to disclose the following information to his or her healthcare provider:

  • Allergies to the ingredients in Dysport: the proteins in cow's milk, another botulinum toxin product
  • Any neuromuscular disease
  • Asthma or emphysema
  • Diabetes
  • Heart rate or rhythm problems
  • Plans to have surgery, or completed surgeries
  • Forehead muscle weakness
  • Eyelid ptosis, or drooping
  • Any other change in the way the face normally looks

Candidates must also disclose any prescription or non-prescription medications, vitamins or natural herbal supplements they take on a normal basis. Doctors will ask patients to refrain from using alcohol, aspirin and ibuprofen for approximately a week before the procedure. During the initial consultation, the doctor and patient will come to terms on what the patient's final goals are with the procedure. The doctor will advise the patient on a customized treatment plan that provides the best possible results.

The Actual Dysport Injections

The chosen health care professional usually opts for the use of a topical anesthetic cream to relieve any discomfort the patient may feel from the injections. From the information gathered during the initial consultation, the doctor will be able to calculate the proper dosing amount of the injections. Precisely measured amounts of Dysport are then injected with a tiny, narrow needle into particular sites within the larger area marked for treatment. The skilled precision and professional knowledge of the doctor provide optimal results for patients during and after the Dysport procedure.

Recovery after Dysport

Once the procedure is complete, doctors will advise patients to refrain from touching or rubbing the treated areas for several hours. Doctors will also tell patients that they are free to "exercise" the facial muscles gently, which helps to even out the absorption of Dysport. Some health care providers ask that patients avoid lying down for three to four hours post-procedure. Intense cardiovascular exercise should be avoided for several days, until Dysport is fully absorbed.

Patients typically notice the positive results they were seeking within three days following the Dysport session, and those results will stay fresh for three and a half to six months. Patients are further advised to wait a period of two months before seeking another round of Dysport injections, whether they be within the same area or in another area.  

The majority of patients who undergo the Dysport procedure will feel fine after their appointment. In some cases, people suffer temporary mild side effects such as a tenderness or soreness in the injection area, slight bruising and/or headaches. The discomfort felt from these effects may be combated with mild, over-the-counter pain killers; however, patients should always check with their doctor about any medications they are thinking of taking post-procedure.

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