Active FX for Men

Active FX has become a convenient option for men who want to improve the texture and tone of their skin. While women are often associated with wanting to make their skin more youthful, men also want to retain their looks, though perhaps without anyone noticing the change.

The Procedure

With Active FX, men can go to a licensed practitioner and receive the 30 to 45 minute procedure on a lunch hour or other break. The resurfacing procedure only impacts the outer layers of skin, helping the patient see results without scarring or redness. While some men will experience a slight pink in their skin, this is temporary and subsides within a few days of the treatment. 

For many men, only one treatment is necessary to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The skin will flake a few days after the treatment, but with a face moisturizer, this can be controlled.

No Downtime

Men want to have glowing skin as well, but without invasive or noticeable procedures and downtime from work. With Active FX, men can subtly alter the appearance of their skin, helping them look years younger without having an extensive cosmetic surgery procedure. 

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