Areas of the Body Active FX Treats

Active FX is a cosmetic laser procedure that stimulates collagen production and smooths skin. Unlike other laser treatments, Active FX leaves some areas of skin untouched, which means a quicker procedure and faster healing time. Read on to find out what areas of the body Active FX treats.


Facial skin is constantly exposed to the elements and shows signs of aging sooner than most parts of the body. Active FX can improve the appearance of fine lines, red marks from past acne, and other discolorations.

Upper Chest

The upper chest usually gets a lot of sun exposure and can develop mottled skin and creases. Active FX can give the skin on the upper chest a fresher appearance and diminish the signs of aging there. 

Arms and Hands

Hands and arms are typically an overlooked area of the body when it comes to cosmetic treatments. The hands often show signs of aging early, with thinner skin and age spots. The arms may develop pigmentation and loose skin. Active FX on the arms and hands can help restore the look of smoother, younger-looking skin.

Active FX treats the face and many other body parts. If you are interested in a cosmetic laser procedure, talk to your doctor about Active FX.

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