Candidacy for Triniti

For those seeking out a non-surgical procedure that creates a more youthful appearance, Triniti may be a good option to consider. Color correction, skin tightening and wrinkle reduction are all incorporated in this one series of skin treatments for quick results that improve skin tone and texture. 

Candidacy for Triniti 

The Triniti series is suitable for men and women. Most skin types and colors are eligible for the procedure. The most favorable candidate would be someone looking to improve the signs of aging, with uneven skin tones or sun damaged skin. Anyone looking to treat wrinkles, bags under the eyes or excessive skin hanging around the neck would also make a good candidate. If you have any of the skin issues listed and are looking for a pain free option with no down time required, you could be a good candidate for Triniti. 

Triniti is not recommended for people with dark to black skin. If you have skin cancer or a history of skin cancer, you should not use this treatment. Triniti should be avoided if you have an impaired immune system, are pregnant or nursing, or have epilepsy. Treatment is not suggested for use in areas where tattoos or permanent cosmetics are present. Consult with a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon to discuss all the factors before determining is Triniti is right for you.

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