History of Fraxel Repair

Fraxel Re:pair is a specific type of Fraxel laser based skin rejuvenation technology. Specifically, Re:pair is designed to help promote healthy collagen growth and skin cell production in areas of the face that have otherwise been damaged by a variety of different exposures and issues.

Development of Fraxel Re:pair

Fraxel Re:pair was developed by Solta Medical in 2007 as a result of patients asking for non-invasive and inexpensive treatments for scars, blemishes and a variety of other conditions which affect the face. Fraxel makes use of laser technology to heat up particular regions of skin cells, which prompts those cells to regrow new collagen and to produce new skin cells in their place. This technology was previously utilized in other laser resurfacing treatments like photo-rejuvenation and Thermage. The result is that the appearance of the skin that has been affected becomes younger and smoother.


Fraxel Re:pair is not without side effects, and many users have reported experiencing pain and severe swelling for several days following the initial treatment. This procedure is relatively inexpensive, but is still a good amount of money. Also, you should be prepared to have multiple procedures done in order to maintain the effects of Fraxel Re:pair over time.

If you think that Fraxel Re:pair may work for you, speak with a dermatologist.

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