How Profractional Resurfacing Is Performed

Profractional resurfacing is a procedure that treats skin pigmentation, signs of aging, sun damage, scarring, stretch marks and wrinkles. In the procedure, damaged areas are treated with light energy heat, creating small columns in the skin which allow healthy tissues to grow and produce collagen and elastin. It not only helps in treating the skin, but also rejuvenates and restores natural glow. Thus, the profractional resurfacing procedure is an easy method to take care of the skin around the face and neck areas, as well as on the hands or scarred areas.

Profractional Resurfacing Procedure

The profractional resurfacing treatment is a one-time laser procedure which takes about 30 minutes to perform. Before the procedure starts, a numbing gel is applied on the treatment area to avoid a pricking sensation. A profractional hand piece is passed over the treatment area, which creates tiny holes or columns, penetrating into the skin with a laser heat effect. This initiates the body’s natural healing process to cure the wounds. Creation of these tiny holes or columns eradicates loosen skin tissues, dead cells and heals the damage, giving space for the formation of collagen which helps develop new and healthy skin tissues. In this procedure, only the treatment area is cured and does not imply to its surrounding areas. The impact of this treatment is instantly witnessed, but it keeps on improving over a week’s time with younger looking skin.

Variations in Profractional Resurfacing Techniques

With the invention of technology, various treatments for skin rejuvenation have flooded the market, among which profractional resurfacing procedure is high in demand due to its accuracy and fast recovery time. Further, a new process of skin rejuvenation MicroLaserPeel or Sciton Profractional process can be undertaken with combination of new non-surgical laser techniques (along with the Profractional resurfacing procedure). But before undertaking any non-surgical treatment, one must have an understanding of the treatment and be aware of its side effects, if any.

MicroLaserPeel Process

In this process, acne, scars, wrinkles, keratoses and skin pigmentation problems are treated. This is considered as an intermediate procedure between microdermabrasion and full skin resurfacing. This technique can also be performed individually or combined with profractional resurfacing as per the skin specialist’s guidance.

This procedure is a Sciton Laser skin rejuvenation process, which eradicates the outer most layer of the skin or dead skin and penetrates deep as per the requirement. This helps in smoothening the surface of the skin and blending the irregular pigmentation and age spots simultaneously. This procedure is usually undertaken by people with active lifestyle who want to improve their skin texture, complexion and tone.

Combination Techniques

Before taking on a skin rejuvenation treatment, a skin specialist or dermatologist scans the overall condition of the skin and level of improvement required. Profractional laser resurfacing is the common method, but understanding the skin's condition is important. At times, the technique is combined with IPL Intense Pulse Light Therapy and a superficial skin resurfacing technique, with help of the MicroLaserPeel process (which is followed by profractional laser treatment to tighten the skin). Also, treatments like Botox and cosmetic fillers are used in certain cases.

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