Medical Conditions and Active FX

Active FX is one of the leading techniques in laser resurfacing, widely acclaimed for its relative safe and effective results. Despite its low risk potential, Active FX is an ablative procedure which involves penetrating the skin with high energy laser beams.

There are certain medical conditions may be contradictory to the procedure. A pre-procedure evaluation must be done to verify your eligibility for treatment. 

Open Wounds

To perform Active FX, you should not have any open wounds in the area of treatment because these may be exacerbated by the ablative nature of the procedure and put you at high risks for severe aftereffects.

Bacterial or Viral Infection

You have to be clear of all infections before treatment. Before the procedure, your doctor will prescribe you antibiotics and antiviral agents as prophylactic medications to minimize the chance of post treatment infections.


Vasculitis interferes with your blood vessels' ability to heal after skin removal. If you have been diagnosed previously for this condition, Active FX is may not be suitable for you due to its ablative nature.


Active FX has been cited for triggering recurrence of cancer. If you have or have had a history of cancer, especially malignant skin cancer, or have had any pre-cancerous lesions, check with your doctor to ensure the safety of the procedure.

Herpes, Lupus, HIV/AIDS

The laser beam used in treatment may stimulate the activation of these viruses. You are not advised to have Active FX for you are a carrier of these viruses. 


If you have a history of scarring, Active FX may be highly dangerous for you. Serious scarring can occur after skin removal.

Pregnancy and Breast Feeding

Active FX is unlikely to cause damage to fetal development, but the pre-treatment medications and laser induced stress are hazardous to your baby. Notify your doctor if you are a pregnant or a nursing mother.

Pre-procedure preparation is key to the success of your treatment. Go over all aspects of your medical history with your doctor, leaving nothing unsaid, to protect yourself from unnecessary danger.

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