Post-Fraxel Lifestyle & Maintenance

The Fraxel family of cosmetic treatments includes Fraxel Restore, Fraxel Refine and Fraxel Repair. These treatments vary in their aggressiveness level, Fraxel Restore being the most aggressive of all. The Fraxel treatments employ ablative and non-ablative lasers that will result in fewer risks and less down time. It is essential to be able to care for the skin after the treatment and in the long run as well, so that the effects of the Fraxel procedure are maintained for as long as possible. Minimal lifestyle changes should be made to keep the skin younger and healthier for a longer period of time.

Post Fraxel Immediate Effects

Immediately after the procedure, you will feel as if you got sun burnt and your skin will be red and possibly swollen. The skin may start to flake 4 days after the treatment, so use a rich moisturizer to reduce this effect. The redness may persist for up to 7 days, but it typically vanishes in 2 days.  

Your physician may recommend you to apply some cold compresses that may be soaked in diluted vinegar; these will reduce the swelling and will soothe the skin. However, don't use vinegar if your physician hasn't recommended it; it is an acid that may damage your skin if not used in the suitable concentrations. Some physicians may also prescribe a special ointment that should be applied for a few days after the treatment, to promote healing and reduce the redness.

If need be, antibiotics will be prescribed to avoid any possible complications such as infections. You can wear makeup, but make sure the makeup is not old; expired makeup can cause infections.

Wear Sunscreen

Regardless of the type of Fraxel treatment you underwent, you should avoid the direct contact with the sun at least 3 months after the procedure, as the skin is very sensitive and the sun may cause irreparable damage.

Wear sunscreen. Opt for a high protection factor (at least SPF 30) for the first 3 months and then opt for a protection factor that is suitable for your skin complexion. If your complexion is fair, you should stick to SPF 30 or higher; if your skin is darker, you can get SPF between 5 and 12. The use of sunscreen should prolong the effects of the Fraxel treatment, as sun can cause a lot of wrinkles and so-called "age spots." Avoid the sun at all times if you have been treated for a melasma.

Use Appropriate Skin Products

To keep the skin looking younger and its texture fresh, use quality skin products that are suitable for your age and skin type. Talk to your physician or an esthetician to recommend some efficient skin products. Make sure that the makeup you use will not cause damage to your skin.

The effects of a Fraxel treatment may vary depending on your lifestyle and the type of treatment applied. However, avoiding the sun and using quality skin products can help keep the skin looking younger for a longer period of time.

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