Potential Risks and Complications of Fraxel Repair

Fraxel Repair is a skin rejuvenation treatment that is applied in one session and gives dramatic results. Fraxel Repair uses carbon dioxide (CO2) laser and is not an invasive treatment, but there are a few risks and potential complications that may occur. Being fully aware of these prior to getting the procedure done is important.


Some patients may experience bleeding on the surface of the skin right after the treatment; the laser may be too aggressive or the skin may be too sensitive; however, the bleeding should stop within 1 hour after the treatment.

Let your plastic surgeon know if you experience bleeding after this time.


Post treatment, infections can occur on the skin. These infections may be caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi that the skin may come in contact with. The viruses, bacteria or fungi can be present in the environment, so you should get some oral antibiotics to prevent the occurrence of an infection.

It is also important to use a hypoallergenic facial cleanser once per day to remove all the impurities and to protect the skin from possible infections. Ask your physician to recommend you a facial cleanser suitable after a Fraxel treatment.

The infection may be signaled by fever, pus, oozing (not to be mistaken with the normal oozing of the treated areas 24 hours after the procedure) or bad skin odor.

Delayed Healing

The healing after Fraxel Repair should not exceed 1 week. However, the recovery time may vary. If your skin still shows no signs of recovery, you should contact your plastic surgeon to see what can be done for a quicker recovery.

To speed up the recovery time, you can apply cold compresses or ice packs on the treated areas; your plastic surgeon may also recommend you a few solutions that can be applied on the skin to speed up the recovery and reduce the redness and the swelling.

Permanent Scars

Rarely, permanent scarring can occur as a result of a Fraxel Repair treatment. The scarring can be caused by the carbon dioxide (CO2) laser which is employed during the treatment. This can be avoided if the laser’s intensity is adapted to your skin. Opt for an experienced plastic surgeon, so you know you are in safe hands and avoid permanent scarring.

Hyper Pigmentation

Typically, Fraxel Repair does not cause pigmentation problems or hyper pigmentation, but this is a potential risk that you need to be aware of.

The procedure can cause hyper pigmentation, but this should be only temporary.

Acne Outburst

Acne can occur following a Fraxel Repair Treatmnet; this is a rare complication, but may occur, as the skin is stimulated to produce collagen and different skin oils, and if there is an excess of oil and sebum, acne can occur.

Consult your plastic surgeon if acne occurs and see what can be done to reduce the appearance of acne. There may be special solutions that you can use or possibly a different treatment that can be applied.

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