Who is a Candidate for Acne Laser Treatment?

If you are tired of recurring acne breakouts, you may wonder if you are a good candidate for acne laser treatment. Acne laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment option that works in two ways: first, the heat of the laser kills bacteria that contribute to acne; and second, the laser destroys the oil-producing glands in the dermis that also contribute to acne formation. Although the long-term results cannot be known because the treatment is so cutting-edge, it has a high rate of success in the short term.

Best Candidates

The best candidates for acne laser treatment are: * Patients who are in overall good health. * Patients who have tried other acne treatments in the past with minimal success. * Patients who have, over time, become immune to antibiotic therapy. * Patients with moderate to severe acne.


You may want to investigate your treatment options further with your dermatologist. There are a few items to consider that might minimize your chances of being a good candidate, such as: * Patients with darker skin tones run the risk of hyperpigmentation after treatment. * This form of acne therapy is not usually covered by health insurance, and so it may be cost-prohibitive to obtain. * Patients with mild acne might find it more convenient and less expensive to try a different type of therapy. If you have any questions about acne laser therapy or to see if you are a viable candidate, please consult with a licensed dermatologist for further information.
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