Conditions that Body Jet Liposuction Treats

Body Jet Liposuction is a water jet assisted procedure. This minimally invasive procedure eliminates fat cells from the face, chin, stomach or other small deposits and will also tighten the skin. The procedure is ideal for patients that would like to get rid of diet and exercise resistant fat from certain problem areas. The procedure will cause minimal swelling and scarring and can prevent a few obesity related problems.

Heart Disease and Arthritis

Body jet liposuction is a fat removal treatment and may prevent conditions that are related to obesity. By reducing the amount of fat from the body, the heart will no longer have to pump blood to the extra fat cells, so there will be lowered risks of heart disease.

The body jet liposuction treatment is also beneficial for the joints in the long run, as the extra weight could cause joint problems or arthritis. Removing the extra fat will take some stress off your joints.

Fat Removal through Body Jet Liposuction

The body jet lipo employs a laser that is assisted by water jet, this will dislodge the fat cells prior to removing them and this will result in minimal bruising and a reduced down time. The treatment can be applied to the following areas:

  • Face, as traditional liposuction is not recommended in this sensitive area
  • Chin; the procedure can eliminate “double chins”
  • Arms; the fat can be removed and the skin will also be tightened
  • Stomach; if the amount of fat to be removed is less than 25 pounds
  • Knees
  • Ankles; where the elimination of fat is difficult through diet or exercise

After a body jet treatment, you are less likely to deposit fat in the treated areas, as the laser extracts the fat cells. However, you if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you will deposit fat in other areas of your body.

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