Conditions that Lipolite Laser Liposculpture Treats

Lipolite is also called Laser-Assisted Liposculpture. It is among the most progressive of non-surgical, fat-removal methods. It is particularly recommended for some areas of the body like:

Facial Sites

Lipolite has gained popularity since it offers precise fat-removal without harming the surrounding skin. As a result, it is used for areas on the face that can’t be treated with conventional fat-removal methods like liposuction. This includes the chin area and upper neck. Since Lipolite doesn’t use incisions for delivering the laser heating, there is no fear of damaging the facial skin. Targeted heating of Lipolite allows the attending specialist to contour the treatment sites to some extent. Thus, it is often used to remove minimal fat and contour the jawline--for making the jawline more pronounced. Since there is no fear of bruising or bleeding, Lipolite is considered among the safest of non-surgical facial sculpting treatments.

Non-Facial Areas

Apart from some parts of the face, Lipolite can be used for nearly every other bodily area that needs fat-removal and contouring. This includes:

  • Abdomen
  • Back
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Bra-lines

Typical Uses of Lipolite

Often Lipolite is used for minimal fat removal and more for body reshaping in areas like the buttocks and thighs. This is particularly true for people who have lost the excess fat in these areas through any other treatment or dietary regimen but are struggling with a saggy appearance that is associated with intensive fat-loss.

Increasingly, Lipolite is being used for the reduction of male breasts in men suffering from gynecomastia (excessive breast development in males.). Here, multiple sessions are needed to re-shape the breasts and reduce their overall size.

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