Cost and Financing of Zerona Laser Liposuction

A Zerona Laser Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure which can be used to shrink the fat deposits and sculpt the body. The price of this non invasive procedure may vary depending on the part of the body where the laser is applied, the experience of the professional performing the procedure, your location and the facilities you opt for.

Typical Cost of Zerona Laser Liposuction

The average cost of a full course of a Zerona laser treatment (2 to 3 sessions of 40 minutes for 2 or 3 weeks) can vary between $2400 and $3600, depending on where the treatment is applied. The cost may be different in more expensive geographical areas, where cosmetic procedures are very popular.

If you require more than 6 to 8 sessions, the cost may be higher than $3600, however, in some clinics you may qualify for a discount or a complimentary session. Make sure you ask about the full costs including the anesthesia and other fees that may be involved in a full treatment.

Insurance Coverage

The Zerona laser liposuction is not typically covered by insurance, as fat removal it is not a basic procedure. Should you consider several cosmetic procedures, you may want to look into a few insurance plans that cover such treatments.

Financing the Treatment

The clinic where you get the treatment should offer a financing plan or refer you to a loaner that provides medical financing. You may also do some research on your own; finding an advantageous loan will mean lower costs for you, so that you can enjoy your newly sculpted body.

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