How Cool Lipo is Performed

Cool lipo is a minimally invasive technique of fat removal and skin tightening. The procedure is ideal to remove fat from challenging areas where there are small pockets of fat. The cool lipo is also recommended to get rid of loose skin that may occur after having lost a lot of weight, sun exposure or multiple pregnancies.

How Cool Lipo Is Performed

Cool lipo is also known as laser assisted lipolysis and is less invasive than a neck or a facelift. The laser targets the water under the skin layer, stimulating the production of collagen; there will be no damage to surrounding tissues. Delicate instruments will be used for the face and neck areas, and the surgeon will opt for larger instruments for arms, chest, torso, stomach or thighs.

During the cool lipo procedure, several small single incisions are made in the area that will be treated. The number of incisions depends on the size of the treated area. The incisions will be positioned so as to be less visible (i.e. under the hair line), especially in the face and neck area.

A thin laser fiber will be introduced under the skin through the incisions and the laser will liquefy the fat. After the fat is liquid, the surgeon will use a cannula, which is a thin hollow tube that can be easily inserted in the incisions. During the insertion of the cannula, its interior will be hardened by using a trocar, which is a three sided shaft that can be inserted in the cannula. The cannula will be drawn back and forth to extract all the fat from the area.

The canula will also heat the dermal layer and stimulate the skin and collagen regeneration. After the fat is extracted, the area will be wrapped in a bandage that will keep pressure on the incisions and stimulate the healing of the wounds.

Variations in Cool Lipo Techniques

The cool lipo procedure may be performed using a 1320 nm or 1064 wavelength laser. The 1320 absorbs more fat and is preferred by most plastic surgeons.

The size of the instruments used may vary according to the zones treated.

Duration of Cool Lipo Procedure

The cool lipo surgery duration is between 1 and 3 hours, depending on the size of the treated area. A local anesthesia is required. If larger areas are treated, the surgeon may opt for general anesthesia.

Post Surgery Care

Cool lipo requires 3 to 4 days recovery time, and the patient should change the bandage twice per day.

The doctor will also require a few follow up visits to monitor the progress and to make sure there are no infections present in the incision sites.

Effects of Cool Lipo

The collagen regeneration is a process that takes time; a patient will be able to see some immediate results, but also in the period after the surgery (up to 6 months), there will be dramatic improvements, as the skin will get tighter and softer and the patient will look fitter.

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