How to Prepare for Slim Lipo

Slim Lipo is considered safer than any other liposuction procedure available. It employs laser technology of high frequency that will melt the fat and this will reduce the tissue damage when the fat is extracted. The preparation stage for Slim Lipo involves a few steps that may influence the results of the procedure.

Prepare for Slim Lipo

  • Before a Slim Lipo surgery, have a preparative meeting with the surgeon and ask all the questions about the procedure.
  • If you are under medication or suffer from any condition, acute or chronic, let the surgeon know.
  • Aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) should be avoided on the week before the Slim Lipo procedure.
  • Birth control pills increase the possibility of the formation of blood clots; stop taking these 2 weeks before the procedure.
  • If you smoke, consider quitting before and after the surgery; smoking can delay the healing of the tissues and may also increase the risk of infections.

Make Other Preparations

After the surgery, you need a person to pick you up, and you may also want to take a few days off work. Typically, patients return to work in 2 to 3 days after the surgery.

Get some pain drugs (over the counter drugs or fill a prescription). Anti-inflammatories cannot be taken before the procedure, but may help reduce the swelling after the Slim Lipo is performed.

You won't be allowed to perform strenuous activities for 2 weeks after the procedure, so if you have plans that involve such activities, make the suitable arrangements.

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