Initial and Long Term Results of Body Jet Liposuction

Body Jet Liposuction is a minimally invasive fat reduction treatment that employs a special technique. The procedure is water assisted and this reduces the downtime and the swelling and bruising post surgery. The surgery may be applied to different areas of the body including the face, neck, arms, thigh or stomach, ideally where there are small deposits of fat (up to 10 pounds). It’s helpful to be aware of the initial and the long term results of the body jet procedure, to determine if the surgery is suitable for your needs.

Initial Results of Body Jet Liposuction

Being a minimally invasive treatment, body jet requires up to 5 days recovery time. After the swelling disappears and the incision wounds are healed, the results will be visible; the areas treated will look fit, but there may be some loose skin, depending on the amount of fat cells extracted. However, the body jet will stimulate the production of collagen also, so in time, the skin will also appear tighter. The tightening is gradual and you can expect changes for 6 months after the body jet surgery.

Long Term Results of Body Jet Liposuction

The long term results depend on your lifestyle and whether you are able to maintain your weight. The body jet procedure extracts the fat cells, so the areas that are emptied from fat will be less likely to deposit fat in the future. However, if you gain weight, you will deposit the fat in other areas that have fat cells.

Exercise and a balanced diet are recommended to maintain your figure.

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