Initial and Long Term Results of Lipolite Laser Liposculpture

Like liposuction alone, lipolite laser liposculpture offers near-instantaneous results because the excess fat tissue is removed or destroyed during treatment. However, you are unlikely to see ideal results right away.

Initial Results

You will notice a significant change immediately after the procedure because the excess fat tissue in the treated area(s) will be gone. However, although lipolite laser liposculpture results in less swelling and bruising than liposuction alone, you will still experience some swelling and bruising that will be at its most significant in the first one to two days after the procedure. Because of the swelling and bruising, you will not yet be able to see the treated areas of the body at their best.

Long Term Results

In the first six to eight weeks following your lipolite laser liposculpture procedure, you will notice the swelling and bruising gradually decrease and disappear. Once those six to eight weeks have passed, you will see the ideal, tight skin and contours of the procedure.

Because fat is permanently removed and destroyed during the lipolite laser liposculpture procedure, you could expect to retain the results permanently. However, your body is subject to the effects of poor diet and exercise as well as aging. To increase your chances of keeping your fit and trimmed body, you should get regular exercise and eat a balanced diet. Exercise and eating right can also help you slow down the side effects of aging, as can cosmetic treatments that spark collagen production in your skin if you notice skin starting to sag and droop again.

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