Initial and Long Term Results of ProLipo

ProLipo is a body contouring procedure that is assisted by a laser. The procedure can be used to remove smaller amounts of fat from problem areas. Knowing the initial and long term results of ProLipo is important to help determine if the surgery is suitable for your case.

Initial Results of ProLipo

ProLipo is a surgery that will require up to five days of recovery time. You may experience swelling and drainage for a few days. After these side effects are gone, you will be able to notice that the fat deposits from the treated areas are gone. The skin may be a bit loose, especially if the amount of fat removed was more significant. However, the lasers used during the ProLipo procedure will stimulate collagen, and this will speed up the tightening of the skin.

The skin should tighten in six to eight weeks after the procedure. After this time you will be able to notice the optimal results of the ProLipo procedure.

Long Term Results of ProLipo

ProLipo is a surgery that removes fat cells. However, the fat cell removal will only be partial, meaning that a few fat cells will be left under the skin. Consequently, you may deposit fat in the treated areas again, should you gain weight.

To better preserve the effects of ProLipo you should stick to a diet that contains the amount of calories you consume per day. You should also exercise to keep your muscles worked and to avoid gaining weight.

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