Initial and Long Term Results of Slim Lipo

Slim Lipo is a body contouring method that uses lasers to reduce the fat from various areas of the body. This procedure employs the most advanced liposuction technique and is superior to procedures such as Smart Lipo or Cool Lipo. Knowing the initial and the long term results of Slim Lipo is important, to establish whether this procedure is suitable for your slimming targets.

Initial Results of Slim Lipo

Slim Lipo is a minimally invasive procedure, so the recovery time will not exceed 5 days. During these days, there may be fluid drainage and the results will not be flattering. The swelling can persist for up to 5 days and after it subsides, you will notice that the body looks leaner and the skin is a bit tighter than before the surgery. This is due to the fact that the lasers will stimulate the production of higher amounts of collagen, which will tighten the skin.

Long Term Results of Slim Lipo

The tightening of skin will happen gradually and the optimal results will be visible in 6 to 8 weeks after the surgery. The long term results of Slim Lipo will be influenced by your lifestyle and capacity to maintain your body weight. A massive weight gain will result in fat deposits all over the body, including the areas that have been treated by Slim Lipo. Having a balanced diet with no excess calories and a regular workout routine can guarantee that you maintain the results of Slim Lipo.

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