Most Common Uses of ProLipo

ProLipo is a minimally invasive laser procedure that is used to remove fat from problem areas of the body. The ProLipo procedure is also a collagen stimulator, so it can be used to tighten skin and rejuvenate it. Skin may lose its elasticity due to aging or weight variations.

Facial Fat Removal

ProLipo is among the liposuction procedures that can be applied on the face. Traditional liposuction is not suitable for use on the facial area as it may leave scars, skin irregularities and also pigmentation irregularities. Traditional liposuction may also damage the nerves in the facial area and cause temporary or permanent paralysis or lack of sensation.

ProLipo will also have the effects of a face lift, as new collagen will be produced and the skin will become tighter. The face is exposed to sun and wind and it may easily become wrinkled due to aging; ProLipo's effects will be highly beneficial both for the facial fat and the wrinkles.

Neck and Chin Fat Removal

The neck and chin areas may have stubborn deposits of fat that are impossible to get rid of through exercise or diet. ProLipo can be applied on these areas; the skin tightening effect will give a younger appearance to the neck.

Arm Fat Removal

Another common use of the ProLipo procedure is to remove fat from the upper arm area. The arms can be remodeled and the fat removed in just a few minutes. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, and the fat is melted before it is either extracted or left for the body to eliminate it.

Small Area Fat Removal

ProLipo is often used to remove fat from areas with small fatty deposits, such as the knees, ankles or stomach. These areas are exercise resistant and a cosmetic procedure is the only effective method to remove these fat deposits.

Having traditional liposuction applied on these smaller areas may result in unnecessary scarring, bruises and a lengthy recovery time.

Male Breast Removal

Male breasts can be unaesthetic and may also cause discomfort. A lot of male patients opt for ProLipo, as it is a simple, efficient way to remove male breasts. Several sessions of ProLipo may be required (up to six sessions) depending on the amount of fat on the breast area.

Skin Tightening

ProLipo is a slimming procedure, but it also has a gentle tightening effect. Most patients opt for this procedure for its fat removal effects, but many patients choose ProLipo because it also tightens the skin. After fat removal, there may be excessive skin which can be unaesthetic and the body may require a long period of time to tighten the skin naturally. ProLipo stimulates collagen formation, so the skin will tighten in a shorter period of time.

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