Potential Side Effects of ProLipo

ProLipo is a plastic surgery that may be used in combination with other liposuction procedures or may be used on its own to remodel the body. If you are considering this procedure, you should know that even if ProLipo has minimal side effects, there are also a few potential side effects that you need to be aware of.

Bruising and Swelling

Bruising and swelling are side effects that will occur in all patients. These may persist for 5 days after the surgery or up to 10 days if you have more sensitive skin.

The swelling is caused by the injection of diluted epinephrine that is used as anesthetic. The insertion of the cannula may also cause swelling and bruises. Get some cold compresses post surgery, and these side effects will be less visible.

Skin Sloughing

Skin sloughing happens when the connective tissue that links the skin to the flesh is destroyed. This side effect is rare, but may be present when the cannula used during the ProLipo surgery is too thick and damages the connective tissue.

Skin sloughing may occur in patients that have elevated glucose levels in the blood or bad circulation. It can also happen in diabetics and smokers. If you smoke, you should consider quitting at least before and after the procedure.

Flabby Skin

Flabby skin is a common side effect of a liposuction surgery and will occur after ProLipo as well. In time, the skin should tighten; in older patients, smokers, diabetics or people with poor circulation, the flabbiness may be present for longer, as the skin will take longer to regenerate.

However, the laser beams that are employed during the ProLipo surgery will activate the collagen formation, and the skin will tighten faster than normal.

Skin Irregularities

Skin irregularities are a potential side effect of ProLipo and may occur in very rare cases. The skin irregularities occur if the fat cells haven’t been properly and evenly removed; fat cells may be left behind, and they may be visible on the surface of the skin. Having an experienced surgeon will make sure that this side effect won’t occur.

Short-Term or Permanent Numbness

Numbness may be a side effect of the ProLipo surgery; during the procedure, the cannula can touch a few nerves that may be affected and cause short term numbness. The numbness should subside in less than 2 weeks.

However, in rare cases, the numbness may be permanent. To avoid nerve damage, the ProLipo may be assisted by a small video camera that will guide the surgeon throughout the surgery.

Unequally Distributed Fat

ProLipo is a fat removal procedure; the fat cells are suctioned, so when you gain weight, you are more likely to deposit in the untreated areas first, where there are a lot of fat cells.

This may result in unequally distributed fat. However, in time, the fat should be distributed equally and will also be deposited in the areas that have been treated with ProLipo lasers.

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