Slim Lipo and Fair Skin Tones

A few extra pounds can be lost with exercise or dieting, but for faster and more efficient weight loss, there is the option of liposuction procedures, such as Slim Lipo. Slim Lipo is a liposuction procedure that emulsifies the fat before this is removed, causing no skin damage and removing the fat cells for good. The procedure can be applied in patients with fair skin tones.

The Effects of Slim Lipo on Fair Skin Tones

Slim Lipo is a procedure that is performed using laser beams that liquefy the fat cells and then the liquid is removed with a cannula. The procedure will be performed under the skin and the laser beams will not affect the skin tone.

Patients with fair skin tones can safely benefit of the Slim Lipo treatment. There are no risks and the skin will not get hyper-pigmented. Keloid scars may occur in the incision sites, but the incisions are very small (between 1 and 2 mm) and may heal without scarring.

The results of Slim Lipo in patients with fair skin will be the same as in patients with other skin types, as the procedure targets the fat that lies under the skin.

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