Smart Lipo Recovery and Results

Patients who opt for Smart Lipo over older, conventional liposuction procedures will enjoy fewer overall risks, a significantly lower risk of complications and a considerably shorter recovery period. Patients are able to go home directly after their treatment session and generally experience little to no post-procedure pain or discomfort. Because the laser causes coagulation of nearby blood vessels, does virtually no damage to the surrounding tissue and promotes collagen production and skin tightening, patients can expect little to no bleeding, swelling or scarring and to see results sooner than with traditional liposuction procedures.

Your physician may recommend wearing a compression garment for several days after the procedure, depending on the area of the body that has been treated. Most patients are able to return to work and other regular, daily activities within one to two days after receiving Smart Lipo, which is a much shorter recovery period than the downtime associated with older liposuction methods.

Results are often noticeable right away, with gradual, continued improvement over the following few months. Within six weeks to two months after the procedure, patients will also be able to identify noticeable improvement in the tightness of the skin in the treatment area. The end result will be a leaner, more youthful appearance, enhanced body contours and permanent removal of unwanted fat deposits.

As with any medical or cosmetic procedure, your results and recovery will depend at least partly on the careful selection of your Smart Lipo provider. Patients who take the time to find the right physician to perform their procedure are far more likely to achieve their desired results, reduce their risk of side effects or complications, enjoy a short recovery period with minimal discomfort and have an overall satisfying experience. By opting for Smart Lipo, patients can safely and effectively eliminate unwanted fat and noticeably improve their body’s shape with excellent results and minimal downtime.

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