What to Expect During Body Jet Liposuction

Body Jet Liposuction, or fluid assisted liposuction, is a surgery that doesn’t involve extensive surgery and has a fast recovery time. This type of liposuction can extract fat cells from areas such as the face, chin, neck, arms, knees, ankles, thighs or areas of the stomach. If you have scheduled a body jet liposuction in the near future, it’s helpful to know what to expect during the surgery.

Before the Liposuction

Body jet liposuction can be performed under local anesthesia. However, if you have several areas to treat or the treated area is more extended, the plastic surgeon will opt for a general anesthesia. The anesthetic will be administered before the procedure. If you know you are allergic to anesthetics, tell your surgeon.

The areas to be treated will be marked and the surgeon is guided by these marks.

During the Surgery

The body jet liposuction is a water assisted procedure. The surgeon makes a few small incisions around the areas that will be treated. The infiltration cannula is then introduced in the body. Water is sprayed under the skin and this will dislodge the fat cells without destroying the surrounding tissues or blood vessels.

Then, the aspiration of the fat will be performed by a cannula. Unlike traditional liposuction, body jet also removes water that may be present in the cells.

You will be conscious during the procedure but due to the local anesthesia, you won’t feel pain or discomfort; the surgeon may ask you to move if he needs to reach other areas of the body to extract fat from.

Duration of Body Jet Liposuction

Body jet lipo is a procedure that may take between 30 and 90 minutes, depending on the size and complexity of the area that is treated.

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