What to Expect During PureLipo

PureLipo, also known as tumescent liposuction, is a cosmetic surgery that will employ the tumescent technique to anesthetize the areas that will be treated. Learning what to expect during PureLipo can make you more prepared for the surgery.

What to Expect during PureLipo

Before the PureLipo surgery, you will receive a subcutaneous anesthetic. This is administered through injections in the fat tissue and the liquid is actually a diluted anesthetic. The fat tissue will become hard and swollen. You may also get some oral pain medication.

The plastic surgeon will wait 60 minutes for the anesthetic to become effective and then he will make a few small incisions; he will then introduce a cannula that is linked to a suction pump and will extract the fat cells and the tumescent fluid.

The cannula will be dragged in different directions so that the surgeon will be able to remove as much fat as possible. You will be conscious during the procedure, but you won’t feel pain, as the tumescent liquid will act as a local anesthetic. Some patients have reported that they felt pressure during the surgery.

After the surgery, you should cover the incisions and wear a constrictive bandage to promote the healing and the fluid drainage.

Duration of PureLipo

The duration of PureLipo depends on the size and the numbers of the areas that are treated. Typically, a PureLipo surgery will take 1 to 2 hours. In addition, you will also require 1 hour prior to the surgery for the administration of the tumescent anesthesia and for the anesthetic to kick in.

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