What to Expect during Zerona Laser Liposuction

Zerona Laser Liposuction is a non-invasive body contouring technique that uses low level laser therapy to break down the fat cell membranes and eliminate excess fat. The laser can help patients decrease the circumference of their hips, thighs and abdomen after a few weeks of treatment. Here are some things you can expect if you pursue the treatment.


Before the initial treatment, the doctor may recommend that the patient increase their water intake. The doctor may also suggest that a patient consume plenty of fiber before the first session.

The Treatment

The Zerona laser liposuction procedure takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. The patient will lie on a massage table and the doctor will point the laser at the targeted areas. The Zerona emits a cold laser that attacks fat cells without causing discomfort. After the initial treatment, the patient will be required to undergo 5 more treatments over a two week time period. During that time, the doctor will ask the patient to drink plenty of fluids and wear a special garment that compresses the fat around the treatment site. Some doctors may also recommend that their patients take niacin in order to enhance the results.


There is no down time required for the Zerona procedure. Patients can resume normal activities immediately after the treatment session.


The Zerona laser works by breaking down the fat cells. These cells make their way into the digestive tract and are eventually excreted. After the treatment, patients will notice a decrease in fatty deposits in problem areas. They may notice visible results in a week. Some patients lose a number of inches off of their waist and thighs. The results from the laser are permanent. Once the fat cells are excreted, they can't come back. However, doctors recommend that patients maintain a healthy diet and exercise on a regular basis. If they gain weight, fatty deposits will appear elsewhere.

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