Hylaform for Facial Rejuvenation

The latest in the treatment of wrinkles and facial lines is Hylaform. This newer injectable chemical is very similar to Restylane. It has been available for many years in Europe and has only just become available in the USA.

Hylaform is made from a natural body chemical known as hyaluronic aid. Hyaluronic acid is a substance founding the deeper layers of the skin and is important in providing volume to the surrounding tissue. The chemical provides protection because of its jelly like consistency. It is found in most tissues.

As we age, the levels of hyaluronic acid decrease and associated with this is the formation of skin sags, wrinkles and fine lines.

Hylaform is used to replenish the dermal volume loss that allows wrinkles to form. It is also used to augment lips and elevate the acne scars.

Hylaform is derived from bird species and thus everyone has to be tested for allergy before this chemical can be used for injection. Anyone who has allergy to birds should not be treated with Hylaform

Hylaform injections only take 30-45 minutes. The jelly like substance is injected just below the skin with very fine needles. After injection, the area is massaged to even out the surface.

Mild to moderate stinging and burning is common during the injection, while redness and swelling can last for hours or days after the injection.

With Hylaform gel, the results are immediate and there is little or no recovery time.

Side effects include:

- redness

- swelling

- bruising

- injection site pain

These minor side effects last anywhere from 4-7 days. Other rare complications include

- lip asymmetry may be noted during the first one to two weeks

- Small bumps that may be palpated at the site of injection. These bumps are not usually visible, but can remain for several weeks or months after injection before gradually blending into the dermis.

The results of Hylaform last for up to one year for treatment of wrinkles and six months for lip augmentation. Recent FDA reports indicate that while Hylaform is similar to Restylane, it has fewer side effects immediately after the procedure. Specifically, Restylane has been noted to have an increased incidence of severe bruising, swelling, pain and tenderness, while Hylaform had a higher incidence of severe redness.

Over time, Hylaform is gradually reabsorbed without a trace and repeat treatments are required

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