Laser Resurfacing Of The Skin

Laser Skin Resurfacing is most useful for the treatment of fine lines, mild scars and uneven pigmentation of the facial skin. Laser resurfacing is often used to treat lines around the eyes, mouth or upper lip

Not all individuals respond to laser and not all have a 100% improvement. At best laser resurfacing works for about 50% of individuals and the range of improvement varies from 20-70%.

Laser resurfacing only improves the very fine lines and mild skin discoloration

The laser resurfacing procedure usually takes anywhere from 30-90 minutes depending on the area and size of the face being treated.

Before treatment, it is important not to take medications like aspirin or other blood thinners for several days to a week. Accutane® and Retin-A® should be discontinued for six weeks prior to treatment. Also, sun exposure and sunless tanning should be avoided for four weeks before the treatment occurs.

Once the laser resurfacing is done, the majority of patients will have a skin which appears like a sun burn other symptoms may include:

- redness

- burning

- tingling

- Itching

These side effects usually disappear over the next few days. When deep laser resurfacing is done, scabs may form on the face. The scabs usually fall off over 7-10 days

The results of laser skin resurfacing are not immediate. Most individuals will see the results over the first few weeks after the procedure

Complications of Laser include Infection, permanent scarring and skin discoloration. These rare complications usually occur when the laser is used to treat the deeper skin lesions.

Laser resurfacing is not for everyone. There are some individuals who should not undergo laser resurfacing. Dark skinned individuals generally tend to have poorer results and a higher chance of complications.

Individuals who have a flare up of acne or a herpes infection should wait until the condition is over before undergoing laser resurfacing

Individuals with burn scars, psoriasis or active skin infection should not undergo laser resurfacing

The results of Laser Resurfacing are long-lasting, but not permanent. Some individuals may see an improvement which lasts a few months and others a few years. However, one needs additional therapy in future to maintain the cosmetic benefits of the procedure.

To prolong the benefits of laser resurfacing. One should avoid smoking and excessive sun exposure

Because laser resurfacing is expensive and not affordable by everyone, there are other alternatives to improving the skin. These procedure include:

- chemical peels

- blue light therapy

- botox

- Dermabrasion

Laser resurfacing is not cure for fine lines or wrinkles. It is only a temporary solution to the current exiting skin defects

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