Liposuction Hips

Liposuction is one of the top cosmetic procedures performed, often referred to as fat suction or liposculpting, liposuction has become a viable alternative for women and those unsightly hips. The hips in many women can cause considerable problems. They can make your body outline look like SpongeBob SquarePants and give your shape excessive fullness which can be unflattering. Clothes tend to hang off the top of your hips and they can be much more difficult to hide under clothing than even the large saddlebags on the outer thigh. Removing unwanted fat can help to reshape your hips.

Candidates for Hip Liposuction

Any women with fullness over the hip or any degree of squareness when looking in the mirror or when viewed from behind. If your clothes tend to sit over the hips or ride up over this area, then liposculpture can help you.

Tumescent Liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is much safer and efficient compared to traditional methods of liposuction. This technique allows for less discomfort, faster post-operative recovery and better cosmetic results. Older liposuction techniques have been famous for causing certain problems - most significantly general anesthesia, which is responsible for most of the serious complications connected with surgical cosmetic procedures.

This procedure is done by infiltrating sterile fluid to loosen and soften the fat for easier removal. Using smaller, blunter instruments to remove the superficial fat there is less risk of any unsightly contour defects, such as bumpiness, lumpiness or grooving. It allows for excellent skin retraction, so on healing the skin tightens, and improvement of lax skin is achieved. After the fluid is in place, excess fat is then vacuumed out of the body through a small, hollow, blunt-ended tube. Multiple areas are often treated in order to achieve the best result.

There is minimum blood loss and the recovery time is incredibly short, because the procedure causes fewer traumas and there is usually no bruising at all. Older patients are often very good candidates. Most patients can return to work in 1-2 days and do limited exercise in 3-4 days. The end result is a safer treatment with better aesthetic results.

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