Skin Rejuvenation

Imagine unlocking the secrets to personal beauty and inner tranquility. Picture if you will, a place where you can create a new sense of well-being, achieve your personal appearance goals, and improve your self-confidence. There is such a place that can perform skin rejuvenation cosmetic surgery procedures that will tantalize your sense of well-being. Cosmetic surgeons can transform or rejuvenate your outside to go with the vibrant being that is inside of you!

We all have concerns about the wrinkles on our face, it's a part of aging, and it happens to the best of us. Facelift surgery has undergone its own makeover with less invasive procedures for the aging face that allow for shorter recovery periods have been. The trade-off is that the results are not as dramatic as more invasive full facelift techniques. Minimal incision facelifts are well suited if you are in your early fifties or younger.

The Procedure

The minimal incision facelift or mini-lift can be performed under local anesthesia with I.V. sedation. The procedure takes approximately 1 to 11/2 hours to perform. Minimal incision facelift uses a small incision placed inconspicuously in a skin crease in front of the ear. A small amount of skin on the face is raised to gain access to the deeper tissues. The majority of the repositioning of the facial tissues is through tension placed on the deeper tissue layer of the face. Two permanent sutures are placed into this tissue and the tissue is suspended in an upward direction, counteracting the forces of gravity. The excess skin is then trimmed without tension.

Swelling and bruising following the mini-facelift will last for about one week. Discomfort following the procedure is mild. Placing ice packs on your face can help with the swelling. For the best results and for a successful look, you should avoid the use of any tobacco products prior to and after your procedure.

Or maybe you would like a forehead lift or a brow lift:

This surgical procedure is designed to improve the appearance of drooping eyebrows, hooding over the eyes, forehead creases and frown lines. During the procedure, loose skin is tightened, excess skin is removed and muscles are altered, resulting in a smoother brow and more youthful expression and. The forehead lift may be performed as an endoscopic procedure.

If you are interested in a mini face lift or another skin rejuvenation procedure, you should contact a cosmetic surgeon in your area today.

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