Is Laser Liposuction an Effective Procedure?

Maintaining a healthy weight is very hard for some people to do in today's society. Although there are many fitness clubs and healthy food options, some people would prefer to eat food that tastes good, but it actually quite high in fat. Pair that with inactivity in the form of sitting at a desk or on a couch for long periods of time, and the result is a considerable obesity epidemic.

While diet and exercise are the two most common ways for a person to lose the excess amount of fat that they have in various areas of their body, there are also various procedures such as laser liposuction. Before a person can seriously consider having this procedure done, it is important for them to gain a better understanding as to the kind of person who would be considered the right candidate for laser liposuction.

The right candidate for this procedure is a person who is at a healthy weight or only slightly larger. The goal of this procedure is to give the patient a more definitive shape. Just as it is important to know who the right kind of candidate is for this procedure, it is equally important to be aware of who would not be a good candidate. This is usually restricted to a person who is significantly overweight. In such a situation, the doctor would usually recommend that the patient first go on a diet and exercise plan.

Something that any prospective patient would want to know about laser liposuction is in reference to the areas of the body that it can treat. This procedure is able to treat the chin, waist, face, hips, arms, and waist. Another thing that people will be curious about is how long the procedure will take. On average, each session (and there might need to be more than one done, depending on the situation of the patient) will take anywhere from two to three hours to complete.

How does the laser liposuction procedure itself work? In order to understand it better, it is important to understand the anatomy of a fat molecule. When a person eats a lot of fatty food, the body of that person is only able to process just so much of that fat. The rest of the fat is released into the bloodstream. These fat molecules build upon themselves until, over time, they resemble the tapioca beads in bubble tea. Exercise and dieting can help to lessen their appearance, but the reality is that they are very hard to get rid of.

So, in this laser procedure, the lasers make small incisions into the upper epidermal layers to get to the actual fat molecules. Usually, these fat molecules end up located on top of the muscles, but just under those upper epidermal layers. The heat of the lasers work to rupture the fat molecules, which are liquefied and then drained out. After the procedure, the patient will be able to recuperate at home, and total results will be seen in about six months.

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