Laser Liposuction: What is it All About?

Obesity is something that has remained unchanged for thousands of years in that both men and women suffer from it. What has changed is the overall amount of people who are carrying around excess weight. Originally, the only people who were overweight were those who had enough money to buy excess amounts of food. Nowadays, there are a lot of people who are overweight, and that is mainly because unhealthy food is readily available at low prices, and they are not diligent about exercising.

For those who want to get rid of some extra weight, they might have the option of getting laser liposuction. In order to understand how laser liposuction works, it is first important for any prospective patient to have an understanding as to who is, and who is not, a good candidate for this kind of procedure. The ideal candidate will be someone who is already at a healthy weight, and has some fat that has accumulated that has been unable to become depleted through diet and exercise.

People who are very overweight might think that they can get laser liposuction as a way of getting rid of their excess fat without having to diet or exercise. This is completely untrue, and an obese person who tries to have this kind of surgery done will be told by the surgeon that before he or she can become an ideal candidate, they will have to eat a healthy diet as well as exercise for at least a year.

So, how does the laser liposuction procedure itself work? Small incisions are made in the problematic area, and then the laser itself is directed at the layer of fat. The heat of the laser ruptures the fat molecules that have accumulated over time because of unprocessed fat. These ruptured fat molecules then become liquid, which is sucked out.

People who are thinking about having this procedure done are probably curious to find out the bodily areas in which the procedure can be done. All areas of the torso, as well as the upper arms and the upper thighs, are able to be treated via this procedure. However, once the right surgeon for the procedure has been chosen, the areas that will be most effectively treated will be determined during a consultation appointment.

During the consultation, the patient will be informed as to how he or she will need to effectively prepare for the procedure itself. First of all, if the patient is a smoker, he or she will need to stop smoking as soon as possible in order to avoid surgical complications. Also, the patient will be instructed to stop taking anti inflammatory medication.

After the procedure, the patient will need to recuperate for a couple of weeks, while at the same time sticking to a healthier diet. This is especially important, because otherwise, there is a considerable chance that the fat can come back. Results will start to become visible immediately after the procedure, however, optimal results will not be seen for a couple of months.

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