Refinishing the Skin with Dermabrasion

Patients suffering from various skin conditions in the Lexington, South Carolina area have found success through dermabrasion. This skin refinishing treatment has been used to treat patients suffering from fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, chicken pox scars, facial pitting and pigmentation issues. Before beginning treatment, patients should discuss their condition with a medical professional to determine if it is treatable using dermabrasion, or if other treatments should be considered.

Dermabrasion works by using an abrasive tool to remove the top layer of skin. New skin then grows over the area to decrease the difference in depth between normal skin and areas of wrinkles, pitting or scars. This gives the skin a smoother appearance and reduces the indentations that may cause self-consciousness for some patients.

Some patients turn to microdermabrasion to achieve smoother skin. This is a less invasive procedure than dermabrasion, but offers much less-drastic results. Before deciding on either procedure, patients should discuss the two treatments with a medical professional at a reputable clinic in their area.

To determine one's candidacy for dermabrasion, consult a medical professional. Ideal candidates for dermabrasion should be in good overall health and should not have recently experienced sunburn, radiation treatment, chemical peels, and should be free of current acne. Patients with lighter skin tones usually experience better results, but this may vary. Patients who have taken Accutane in the past 18 months or who have skin sensitivities, cold sore or herpes may not be considered a candidate. Patients who work outdoors or spend a significant amount of time outdoors may have trouble maintaining results. These individuals should take this into consideration before choosing dermabrasion.

Patients may undergo dermabrasion using a local anesthetic and a sedative, or under general anesthetic. Most dermabrasion procedures are performed on an outpatient basis. Once the skin has been cleaned using an antiseptic, a Freon spray is used to freeze the skin. A handheld motorized rotary tool with an abrasive brush or wheel is then used on the skin to remove the top layer of skin. The underlying layers of skin are then exposed and once the area heals, smoother, more evenly toned skin is the result.

In the days following treatment, the patient's skin will feel ablated. The feeling has been compared to scrapping a knee or elbow on the sidewalk. In the first couple of days the treated area will be swollen and a scab will form. A few days later, the swelling will begin to subside and the scab will start to come off. The patient may be prescribed medication to relieve any pain and an antibiotic to prevent infection. A pink complexion will appear over the treated area once the scab comes off, but the area will gradually regain its color over the next 4 to 8 weeks.

Patients should keep sun exposure to a minimum after treatment. Some patients may even be encouraged to avoid sun exposure altogether to ensure the best results possible. Strenuous activities, shaving and other activities that may irritate the skin should be avoided in the weeks following treatment. Patients should speak with their physician for a more detailed recovery plan and should strictly follow the plan to ensure proper healing.

For more information about dermabrasion, microdermabrasion or other treatments, patients should consult a medical professional at a reputable clinic in the Lexington area. During a consultation, patients should discuss their condition, goals and the expected results and possible risks involved in their treatment options. This is often the best resource for information relating to wrinkles, acne scars, facial pitting, tattoo removal and other skin care needs.

Learn more about dermabrasion in Lexington, Kentucky.

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